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Table 3 Observed outcomes in the control group, the total SMS group, and the participants in the SMS group responding in more than 26 out of the 52 weeks

From: Effects of weekly pain monitoring on back pain outcomes: a non-randomised controlled study

Continuous outcomes

Control group (N = 1,225)

SMS group (N = 1,623)

SMS group responding in > 26 weeks (N = 995)

LBP at 12 months follow-up, NRS (0–10); mean (SD)

2.6 (2.4) (n = 799)

2.1 (2.4) (n = 1,012)

2.0 (2.4) (n = 826)

Activity limitation, RMDQ (0–100); mean (SD)

19.5 (22.8) (n = 610)

20.1 (22.9) (n = 847)

19.9 (22.6) (n = 720)

Ability to control pain, NRS (0–10); mean (SD)

7.9 (2.4) (n = 790)

7.9 (2.6) (n = 999)

7.9 (2.6) (n = 813)

Binary outcomes

Control group (N = 1,225)

SMS group (N = 1,623)

SMS group responding in > 26 weeks (N = 995)

Pain > 3, yes; n (%)

239 (29.9%) (n = 799)

236 (23.3%) (n = 1,012)

182 (22.0%) (n = 826)

Non-improvement of activity limitation; n (%)

137 (22.8%) (n = 601)

184 (22.0%) (n = 835)

152 (21.3%) (n = 714)

Lack of pain control, yes; n (%)

85 (10.8%) (n = 790)

105 (10.5%) (n = 999)

90 (11.1%) (n = 81)

  1. LBP = low back pain; NRS = Numeric Rating Scale; RMDQ = Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire; SD = standard deviation