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Table 3 Tweets related to physical impacts of spinal stenosis

From: An exploratory study to understand how people use Twitter to share experiences or information about spinal stenosis


Representative tweets



"…my husband whose in horrific untreated pain due to severe spinal stenosis…."

"…I suffer from severe spinal stenosis … I'm in pain 24/7 even on very strong pain meds and nerve meds …"

“I have fibromyalgia type pain stemming from spinal stenosis and hypermobility joint syndrome. I love to crochet and craft (never was good at drawing) but it's the same feeling of "there was nothing and now there's something pretty cool" that makes me happy,”

“I have an upcoming ACDF d/t C5/6 radiculopathy and spinal stenosis. I have never felt nerve pain before and I now know how hard it is to describe.”

“My health I have chronic pain from spinal stenosis and a limp from my spina bifida. Not a day goes by some part of my body isn't hurting. It's hard to keep my spirits up when that is my daily lot. Self-pity is also a problem (as you may be able to tell) I fight against that.”


Difficulty in walking or altered gait patterns

"My ma can't walk more than a few feet at a time due to spinal stenosis, and I can't afford her surgery to get this fixed… "

"I cannot walk due to spinal stenosis and nerve damage in my legs…"

"Due to his abnormal bone growth, Tyrion has a narrowing and compression of his spinal cord (spinal stenosis). This causes a great deal of pain, especially in his lower back and legs; his characteristic waddling gait; and numbness in his lower extremities."

"I don't know your condition, but I was in a wheelchair for a period due to spinal stenosis so I feel your sorrow…"



"…I had issues from stenosis in c7 spinal cord causing numbness down my right arm."

" Pretty sure my spinal stenosis is the cause of numbness and Pain…"



"…I have spinal stenosis and it affects my mobility and cause me to fall so having one of these could be priceless if I have an accident and I need help."



"I grew up poor and know how hard life is having a mental illness, kidney disease and paralyzed from thoracic spinal stenosis… "


Other illness

" I had a fever due to a spinal stenosis swelling condition not related to any virus. "



"…I have spinal stenosis and that contributes to my loss of height."

“I'm short and getting shorter. Here is my view on standing on a platform to be equal. l would bring a saws all, 2 make the podium shorter. Once just under 5′9"/ spinal stenosis and a twisted spine, now has me at 5′5."