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Table 4 Tweets related to impacts of spinal stenosis on the psychology or social aspects of people

From: An exploratory study to understand how people use Twitter to share experiences or information about spinal stenosis


Representative tweets


Psychological impacts



"… I’m 26 have chronic pain from spinal stenosis can’t walk very well and my depression has been so much worse I can’t get that 1200 check cause I’ve been unable to work and I’m off my meds cash app is $basuraboye.”



"… Spinal Stenosis, and Diabetes contribute heavily to my anxiety and mentally illness/sheer terror…."


  Self -pity

"…My health I have chronic pain from spinal stenosis…Self-pity is also a problem (as you may be able to tell) I fight against that. "


 First-person perspective

  Negative emotion

"I have it, (spinal stenosis), and take it from me, it hurts like a bitch… "

"…My intense AGONY from Spinal Stenosis began on that trip & because I wasn't able to leave the room for 10 of the 14 vacation days, it would have been TORTURE! "

“@tinyneondemon Sweetie I feel ya! I have spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease and some days I can’t move at all I am scared to death of surgery.”

“I suffer from spondolothesis, stenosis, scoliosis, arthritis, a fracture, and a cracked tailbone and suffer every single day in terrible pain bc I am so under medicated. I am now in the midst of another severe depression. I can seriously see why ppl turn to the street or suicide.”

“My spinal chord is being crushed by the stenosis. Suicide prevention won't help me. I tried to get in to get help. I can get scripts, but can't get them filled anymore. My pharmacy just told me to go somewhere else. All the others told me they can't take new opiate patients.“


  Positive emotion

" …I was born with it (spinal stenosis) and I’m rather lucky that I did not do anything to make it worse.. I played HS football.. baseball.. never knowing how bad my spine was.. so I consider myself very lucky… plus I was in the military.. keep going strong bud."


 Third-person perspective

  Negative emotion

"…Wright's Spinal Stenosis should be a 1 seed. Absolutely devastating… "

" I’m sad we never got a season of wright and Alonso together. Damn imagine if he never got spinal stenosis. "

"…I knew of a man who was taken off all of his opioids. He had spinal stenosis and was miserable. His wife left him. He kids refuse to talk to him. He said the only reason why he didn't commit suicide was because of his dog. I cried…"


  Positive emotion

"I worked with a woman who had spinal stenosis. She was one of my best friends and in constant pain. Alan Dorman is making a large sacrifice. I admire and appreciate him. Praying for him and his surgical team."


 Impacts on social roles

  Difficulty in voting

"I am an American Veteran with spinal stenosis and cannot stand in long lines, so Americans should also be able to vote by mail and have their ballots counted! "


  Difficulty in working

"…I have been sick and now have severe spinal stenosis, have not been able to work…"

"…I have spinal stenosis/osteoarthritis of the spine, making it hard for me to work."

This was perfect for me because I have acute spinal stenosis and I was able to work in spurts and rest my back as needed. I can’t sit or stand or stay in one position for very long without being in pain. This allowed me to work at my own pace.”


  Not being able to participate in sports

"DeGabriel Floyd is handling this as well as you can expect. Doctors diagnosed the UT linebacker with spinal stenosis and missed the entire season this year…"

"Sting had spinal stenosis before that match… he just didn’t know it… and like Sting said himself…. “Seth did not end my career… I was already messed up… I just wasn’t aware”

"Stone Cold also has the same spinal stenosis which ended his career. "


  Affecting relationship

"…my husband whose in horrific untreated pain due to severe spinal stenosis. I can't even hug him without hurting him if I squeeze too hard. Intimacy is not an option for either of us"