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Table 5 Treatment plans used in Functional Neurology according to four sources in a scoping review

From: Unravelling functional neurology: a scoping review of theories and clinical applications in a context of chiropractic manual therapy

Sources of information


Initial care

Maintenance care


Pedro (2005) [41]

Landau Kleffner syndrome

Daily visits, 4.5 h per week, for 12 weeks


Beck (2009) [42]

Complex regional pain syndrome

1 to 2 visits per week for 8 weeks, plus 1 visit each 2 week for 1 month, plus home exercises


Kuhn (2013) [44]

Migraines, ADHD, OCD and, Tourette’s syndrome

42 visits over 19 weeks


Hirsh (2013) [46]

ADHD, primary nocturnal enuresis, and musculoskeletal pain

36 visits over 18 weeks, plus daily home exercises


Bova (2014) [45]

Parkinson’s disease

2 visits per week for 2 months, plus home exercises

After the initial care (i.e. 2 months), the frequency of 2 visits per week was maintained (for at least 8 months).

Bova (2014) [40]

Idiopathic hemiparesthesia

3 visits in 2 weeks


Traster (2014) [47]

Symptoms related to traumatic brain injury

Approximately 2 to 3 visits per week for 3 months



Website 1

In general


Usually, several times per day with an average of 3 times of 1.5 h each, for 1 to 2 weeks


Website 4

In general


Usually, 2 times per week for 6 weeks, plus home exercises


Complex conditions (type of conditions was not specified)

3 to 5 times per day for up to 5 consecutive days

Website 5

In general


Usually, 1 to 3 times per week for few weeks, plus home exercises

This frequency is usually decreased over 2 to 4 months

Patient is often requested to do home exercises.

Complex conditions (e.g. severe brain injuries, and advanced degenerative diseases)

Several visits per day for 1 to 2 weeks


Informant 1

In general


Usually 2 to 3 visits close in time, plus home exercises

If good results are obtained, treatment is continued, more spaced in time.

Daily visits or, 2 to 3 visits per week, may be needed, for 2 to 3 weeks.


Complex conditions (unspecified)

Informant 2

Moderate neurodevelopmental disorders


Usually, 1 to 2 visits per week for a few weeks, plus daily home exercises for about 10 min per day

This frequency is usually progressively decreased


Severe neurodevelopmental disorders

Visits are more frequent than for the moderate form.

Informant 4

In general

Individualized Usually, 3 to 4 times (about 20 min each) per day for 2 to 3 weeks or 2 times per week for 3 to 4 months


Parkinson’s disease

Several visits per day for 3 consecutive days for 1 week

Patient is seen 3 to 4 times per year for the same treatment plan.

  1. ADHD Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
  2. OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder