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Table 1 Characteristics of the sample (N = 26)

From: Thoracic index in adults with asthma: a study of validity and reliability



Age, years (percentile 25;75)

24.5 (20;32)

Weight, kg (SD)a


Size, m (SD)

1.6 (0.08)

BMIb, Kg/m2 (SD)

25.5 (5.24)

Schooling, approved years (SD)

14.6 (3.43)

Asthma Features

 Time of disease evolution, years (SD)

18.1 (9.31)

 Time after last acute exacerbation, months (percentile 25;75)

7 (4;36)

Spirometric values

 PEFc (SD)

93.3 (20.88)

 FEF25%d (SD)

74.1 (23.66)

 FEV1e (SD)

82.8 (13.82)

 FVCf (SD)

91.2 (9.79)


89.8 (10.92)

  1. aStandard Deviation
  2. bBody Mass Index
  3. cPeak Expiratory Flow
  4. dForced Expiratory Flow at 25% of FVC
  5. eForced Expiratory Volume during the first second
  6. fForced Vital Capacity