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Table 5 Overview of outcomes regarding the feasibility of the pilot study and suggestions for improvement

From: Manual therapy applied by general practitioners for nonspecific low back pain: results of the ManRück pilot-study

Pilot study


RCT-study design relevant results

Improvement requirements and possible actions

Recruitment procedures

Time till consent obtained from 20 GPs

How many patients CG/2 weeks

How many patients IG/2 weeks

3 Months (expected two weeks); 6/20 GPs failed in recruitment

42 pat. in 12 months; 2pat. inaccurate

45 pat. in 4 months; 9 inaccurate

adapted to recruitment time findings

Increase (at least double) the number of recruited GPs

re-evaluate inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients, recruitment time and sample size of participating patients, recalculate sample size

Check on included patients (fax or phone) if criteria are fulfilled; enhance recruitment in “slow” and stop “fast” recruiters when mean of correctly included pat. is reached.

Supporting/contact strategies

personal calls

info. Poster

non advertised 100€ incentive at the end of the CG


Seasonally adapted

Advertise & split incentives for CG & IG

increase the frequency of the contact-calls to study nurses (at least weekly)

more target-group adapted flyers; a higher number of seasonally adapted posters; use of “new communication channels” such as electronic messaging on screens in practice waiting rooms

financial reward for the additional workload of GP, staff and possibly for the patients. Direct incentive to medical staff, “pay per capita.”

patients’ feedback tools

frequencies & lengths of data collection

returned & completeness of paper-pen pain diary

returned & completeness of questionnaires: OMPSQ*, FFbH-R*

adequate, but could also assess chronification


90% complete data


72% complete data

Follow up with assessments of pain intensity and painkiller intake for at least 12 weeks

Data collection

faster pain reduction compared to standard care



phone interviews

98% complete data

Recalculate costs (if two part-time study nurses collecting data (employed at 8%) are less expensive than prepared and prepaid envelopes, and recall-calls)

Information about excluded pat.

Not collected!

Rework layout of documentation sheet. Explain importance in more depth and advertise allowance for this completed sheet separately

feasibility of teaching specific MT techniques in 2 ½ hours


Assess MT quality by practice visit 2 weeks after MT-“training,” during IG

  1. OMPSQ* Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire
  2. FFbH-R* Hannover functional ability questionnaire-spine