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Table 3 Summary of the SM dose-physiological response relationship in animal studies

From: Spinal manipulation frequency and dosage effects on clinical and physiological outcomes: a scoping review


Dosage parameters

Sample size

Spine level

Muscle spindle activity - main results

[30] Cao et al., 2013

Thrust forces: 25, 55, 85% of BW

n = 112 cats


Consistent increase in MIF for 1 mm thrust amplitude.

Thrust displacements: 1, 2 or 3 mm

No specific trend associated to modulation in forces and displacements

Thrust durations: 0,25,50,75,100,150,200, 250 ms

[35] Pickar et al., 2006

Thrust forces: 33, 66, 100% of BW

n = 46 cats


Data suggest that decreasing thrust duration increases ΔMIF

Thrust duration: 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 or 800 ms

There is a threshold effect for duration for which the discharge greatly increases

[36] Pickar et al., 2007

Thrust displacement: 1 or 2 mm

n = 54 cats


Data suggest that decreasing thrust duration increases ΔMIF

Thrust duration: 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 ms

Peak thrust amplitude (1 mm compared to 2 mm) influence ΔMIF

[37] Reed et al., 2013

Thrust forces: 25, 55, 85% of BW

n = 112 cats


Data suggest that decreasing thrust duration increases mean spindle discharge through range of forces.

Thrust displacement: 1, 2 or 3 mm

Through a range of force durations, increasing force seems to increase ΔMIF.

Thrust durations: 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 250 ms

For most thrust duration, peak thrust displacement did not influence ΔMIF.

Increasing force rates increased MIF

[38] Reed et al., 2015

Thrust force: ranges from 68 N to 122 N

n = 1 cat


Data suggest that increasing force leads to increase ΔMIF.

[39] Reed et al., 2014

Preload variation: 18% or 43% of thrust force

n = 20 cats


Increasing longer preload duration (4 s compared to 1 s) increases ΔMIF.

Thrust durations: 1 or 4 s (Thrust force: 55% of BW)

A smaller magnitude of preload (18% compared to 43%) increases ΔMIF

The highest preload magnitude and longest duration led to a significantly greater mean decrease in resting spindle discharge

[40] Reed et al., 2017

Thrust force: 22 N, 44 N or 67 N

n = 6 cats


Data suggest that increase in force increased the time required until the first action potential.

  1. MIF Mean Instantaneous Frequency, ΔMIF Changes in Mean Instantaneous Frequency, BW body of weight