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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Implementation strategies, and barriers and facilitators for implementation of physical activity at work: a scoping review

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Participants: age 18+, employed

Participants: age under 18, unemployed



 Intervention: Implementation of physical activity at workplaces:

 Intervention: Implementation of other kinds of “Employee health”:

  Physical training


  Physical exercises

  Active transport to/from work


  Promotion of health, e.g., via e-mail

  “Active breaks”


  Flexibility and mobility exercises




  Any kind of evaluation of the implementation process. Qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods

  Psychological work environment

  “Return-to-work” interventions

  “Sickness absence management”

  Occupational safety

  Walking/walking on stairs


  No evaluation of the implementation process

Context: Any kind of workplace

Context: Other than workplaces

Type of publication: All types

Year of publication: After 2008

Languages: English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian

  1. The development of the inclusion and exclusion criteria was guided by Joanna Briggs Institute: Reviewer’s Manual, chapter 11.2.4 on inclusion criteria in scoping reviews [28]