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Table 1 Demographics and open-ended questions designed to capture the impact of changes made within chiropractic programs in order to deliver manual therapy content due to the COVID-19 pandemic

From: COVID-19: how has a global pandemic changed manual therapy technique education in chiropractic programs around the world?

Name and highest degree:

Academic Institution:

Year level/s of student learners you teach:

1. In your chiropractic program, how has the delivery of manual skills TUTORIALS* changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? If the delivery has changed relative to each year level, specify the year level/s. [250 word limit]

2. In your chiropractic program, how has the non-practical (theoretical) component/s that supports manual skills tutorials changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? [250 word limit]

3. From your observation as an educator, how have changes to manual skills tutorials during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the student learner experience for (i) attendance and participation; (ii) engagement; and (iii) acquisition of psychomotor and cognitive skills, In your chiropractic program? [250 word limit]

4. Please comment on: a) the most challenging factor/s for teaching manual skills during the COVID-19 pandemic; and b) what you see as the greatest opportunity that will come from the changes needed to teach manual skills during the COVID-19 pandemic? [250 word limit]

5. Is there anything else you would like to include about how COVID-19 has impacted the teaching of manual therapy techniques in your chiropractic program? [100 word limit]