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Table 3 Selected practice characteristics

From: The Danish sports chiropractic landscape: an exploration of practice characteristics and salient developmental issues


All (95% CI)

SC (95% CI)

Non-SC (95% CI)

p value

Formal association with a sports club or team

22.2 (16.1, 28.2)

54.0 (39.7, 68.3)

10.4 (5.2, 15.6)

<  0.001

Renumeration (yes)

13.0 (8.1, 17.9)

30.0 (16.8, 43.2)

6.7 (2.4, 10.9)

<  0.001

Physical presence at club

8.1 (4.1, 12.1)

24.0 (11.7, 36.2)

2.2 (0.0, 4.7)

<  0.001

Activities involving sports chiropractic

 University lecturing

12.4 (7.6, 17.2)

14.0 (4.0, 24.0)

11.9 (6.3, 17.4)



10.8 (6.3, 15.3)

12.0 (2.7, 21.3)

10.4 (5.2, 15.6)


 Clinical supervision

20.5 (14.7, 26.4)

36.0 (22.2, 49.8)

14.8 (8.7, 20.9)


 Voluntary work

25.4 (19.1, 31.7)

46.0 (31.7, 60.3)

17.8 (11.2, 24.3)

<  0.001

 Sports associations

21.1 (15.1, 27.0)

44.0 (29.7, 58.3)

12.6 (6.9, 18.3)

<  0.001

 None of the above

46.5 (39.2, 53.7)

18.0 (7.0, 29.0)

57.0 (48.6, 65.5)

<  0.001

Average number of interprofessional partners

3.0 (2.7, 3.2)

3.8 (3.3, 4.2)

2.7 (2.4, 2.9)

<  0.001

Common interprofessional practice partners


85.4 (80.3, 90.5)

92.0 (84.2, 99.8)

83.0 (76.5, 89.4)



53.5 (46.3, 60.8)

68.0 (54.6, 81.4)

48.1 (39.6, 56.7)


 Massage therapist

53.0 (45.7, 60.2)

62.0 (48.1, 75.9)

49.6 (41.1, 58.2)


 Medical doctor

47.0 (39.8, 54.3)

66.0 (52.4, 79.6)

40.0 (31.6, 48.4)


 Personal trainer

21.1 (15.1, 27.0)

42.0 (27.8, 56.2)

13.3 (7.5, 19.1)

<  0.001


14.6 (9.5, 19.7)

20.0 (8.5, 31.5)

12.6 (6.9, 18.3)



7.0 (3.3, 10.7)

4.0 (0.0, 9.6)

8.1 (3.5, 12.8)


> 10% Sports-related patient component

35.7 (28.7, 42.6)

72.0 (59.1, 84.9)

22.2 (15.1, 29.3)

<  0.001

Level of athlete treated


15.7 (10.4, 21.0)

38.0 (24.1, 51.9)

7.4 (2.9, 11.9)

<  0.001


25.9 (19.6, 32.3)

58.0 (43.8, 72.2)

14.1 (8.1, 20.0)

<  0.001


79.5 (73.6, 85.3)

92.0 (84.2, 99.8)

74.8 (67.4, 82.2)


Average number of modalities considered to be relevant

6.8 (6.5, 7.2)

6.9 (6.3, 7.6)

6.8 (6.4, 7.2)


How important is the use of shockwave therapy in the treatment of sports injuries?

59.5 (52.3, 66.6)

72.0 (59.1, 84.9)

54.8 (46.3, 63.3)


  1. SC Sports chiropractor, Non-SC Non-sports chiropractor, (CI) 95% confidence interval limits around point estimate