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Table 4 Subcategories relating to facilitating factors for engaging in and maintaining a maintenance care plan, according to which ones were mentioned by participants in each group

From: The nordic maintenance care program: patient experience of maintenance care—a qualitative study

Subcategories: facilitating factors

AC group

ID group

DYS group

It made my pain go away

Enables me to stay well over time

My physical abilities have improved

Stimulated healthier behaviors

Allows me to enjoy life

Helps me with my emotions, thoughts & boosts my self-confidence


Avoiding sick-leave


Being more productive at work


Readily available care


Time efficient & effective treatment

Small invested effort & no hassle



Societal or employer reimbursement



Regular visits offered continuity and motivation

It created a feeling of reassurance

Complements other health actions



A sense of professional, caring and personal relationship

Provided me with information, guidance & education

  1. , mentioned; × , not mentioned; AC, Adaptive Coper profile; ID, Interpersonally Distressed profile; DYS, Dysfunctional profile