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Table 1 Demographic characteristics (n = 11)

From: “What you feel under your hands”: exploring professionals’ perspective of somatic dysfunction in osteopathic clinical practice—a qualitative study

Age (mean ± SDV)

43.6 ± 9.4

Years of practice (mean ± SDV)

15.7 ± 7.6

Years of academic teaching and tutoring

 (mean ± SDV)

11.0 ± 7.8

Gender (n)





Topography (n; %)

 North Italy

5; 45.5

 Center Italy

4; 36.4

 South Italy

2; 18.2

Training in osteopathy (n; %)

 Diploma in osteopathy (Italy, France)

11; 100

 Bachelor in science of osteopathy (United Kingdom, Germany)

4; 36.4

 Master in science of osteopathy (United Kingdom)

1; 9.1

Previous training (n; %)

 Degree in physiotherapy

5; 45.5

 Degree in sport sciences

2; 18.2

  1. n = Number; SDV = Standard deviation; % = percentage