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Table 3 Mean % Shear Strain pre- and immediately post-spinal manipulation (n = 20) (-: decreased)

From: Thoracolumbar fascia mobility and chronic low back pain: Phase 2 of a pilot and feasibility study including multimodal chiropractic care


Females (n = 11)

Males (n = 9)

Pre spinal manipulation mean (SE)

Post spinal manipulation mean (SE)

Change post spinal manipulation Mean (CI)

Pre spinal manipulation mean (SE)

Post spinal manipulation mean (SE)

Change post spinal manipulation mean (CI)

Shear strain (calculation method 1)

56.8 (7.0)

58.9 (6.9)

2.1 (− 10.5 to 14.6)

55.2 (7.7)

54.9 (7.6)

− 0.3 (− 14.2 to 13.6)

Shear strain (calculation method 2)

76.7 (7.1)

70.2 (7.2)

− 4.5 (− 19.2 to 10.3)

68.3 (7.8)

74.1 (8.0)

5.8 (− 10.5 to 22.1)

  1. SE standard error; CI 95% confidence interval; Calculation method 1: mean maximum shear strain, from the left and right sides, observed during the 3rd table movement cycle; Calculation method 2: mean maximum shear strain, from the left and right sides observed during any table movement (cycles 2, 3, or 4)