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Table 4 Mean % Shear Strain over 8-week course of multimodal chiropractic care (n = 20)

From: Thoracolumbar fascia mobility and chronic low back pain: Phase 2 of a pilot and feasibility study including multimodal chiropractic care


Visit 1 pre mean (SE)

Visit 8 pre mean (SE)

Change at visit 8 (from visit 1) mean (CI)

Visit 16 pre mean (SE)

Change at visit 16 (from visit 1) mean (CI)

Females (n = 11)

Shear strain (calculation method 1)

56.8 (7.0)

55.4 (6.0)

− 1.5 (− 20.3 to 17.4)

71.9 (7.1)

15 (− 0.5 to 30.6)

Shear strain (calculation method 2)

76.7 (7.1)

69.6 (6.9)

− 6.0 (− 23.3 to 11.2)

80.1 (6.0)

5.4 (− 9.9 to 20.8)

Males (n = 9)

Shear strain (calculation method 1)

55.2 (7.7)

48.5 (6.7)

− 6.7 (− 27.6 to 14.2)

53.1 (8.7)

− 2.1 (− 21.0 to 16.8)

Shear strain (calculation method 2)

68.3 (7.8)

64.5 (7.8)

− 3.8 (− 23.0 to 15.4)

62.3 (7.4)

− 6.0 (− 24.2 to 12.2)

  1. SE standard error; CI 95% confidence interval; Calculation method 1: mean maximum shear strain, from the left and right sides, observed during the 3rd table movement cycle; Calculation method 2: mean maximum shear strain, from the left and right sides observed during any table movement (cycles 2, 3, or 4)