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Table 1 Inclusion/exclusion criteria for clients who completed PROMs

From: The importance of setting and therapeutic relationships when delivering chiropractic care to those living with disadvantage

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

New clients presenting to the RMIT student chiropractic clinic at TW

A client who had a new complaint but was already having this managed externally to TW regardless of healthcare provider

An existing chiropractic client at TW who had a new complaint that had not been assessed or treated by the students interning at TW. Conversely, someone who had been a client of TW chiropractic clinic but had returned after a six-month + absence and required a full review before treatment commenced

A participant of the study who disclosed they received care from another provider at TW, or externally (Chinese medicine, myotherapy, osteopathy, general practitioner, physiotherapist, or other healthcare professional)

Over the age of 18 with the ability to give informed consent to participate in the study

Under the age of 18, unable to provide informed consent or unable to read and understand the participant information and consent forms