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Table 1 Descriptive summary of studies relating to interprofessional practice involving chiropractors

From: Chiropractors in interprofessional practice settings: a narrative review exploring context, outcomes, barriers and facilitators

Author and origin

Stated purpose


Unit(s) of observation

Health care challenge

Design an Methods

IPP partners



To investigate the effect of integrating chiropractic on the practice and attitudes of providers

Multidisciplinary healthcare teams at two community health centers

Service providers

None specified

Design: Mixed methods

Quantitative methods-Provider Questionnaire regarding opinions, experiences with collaboration, and perceptions of chiropractic care

Qualitative methods- Focus group interviews, individual interviews


Nurse practitioner Registered nurse



To examine the integration of chiropractors into multi-disciplinary healthcare teams in the specialisation of sport medicine

High-performance sport work sites (e.g., major games, on tour with teams, at training centers)

Service providers

None specified

Design: Qualitative case study

Qualitative methods- Individual interviews



Athletic therapist



To evaluate if:

Chiropractic could be integrated successfully within a hospital system

The integration would reduce MSK pain and disability

The level of satisfaction of patients and collaboration providers/administrators with the model of care

Hospital system of care- Department of Family and Community Medicine

Service providers and patients

Adults suffering from MSK pain and disability

Design: Prospective observational

Quantitative methods-

Self-reported pain, disability, general health, function, satisfaction

Qualitative methods- Individual interviews






To compare clinical outcomes of older adults receiving back pain treatment under three professional practice models that included primary medical care with or without chiropractic care

A family medicine residency and a chiropractic research center

Older adults (> 65)


Design: Pilot randomized controlled trial Quantitative methods-

Primary outcomes: Self-reported LBP intensity & disability

Secondary clinical outcomes: LBP bothersomeness, Fear Avoidance Beliefs, Timed Up and Go Test, perceived global improvement of LBP, overall health and quality of life and satisfaction with 6 domains of LBP care




To evaluate the perceived feasibility of a patient-centered practice model for back pain, including facilitators for interprofessional collaboration between family MDs and chiropractors

A family medicine residency and a chiropractic research center located in Davenport, Iowa, USA

Service providers


Design: Qualitative evaluation

Qualitative methods- individual interviews, chart abstractions, fieldnotes




To investigate the aspects of interprofessional collaboration occurring in a sample of complementary and integrative health (CIH) providers

Private practice and community health centers

Service providers

None specified

Design: Qualitative health service case study

Qualitative methods- Individual interviews

AOM practitioner


Massage therapist Naturopath


Explore the role and perceived value of chiropractors to Danish elite football clubs. And additionally explore the barriers and facilitators to interprofessional practice involving chiropractors

Danish premier league (Superliga) clubs

Service coordinators

None specified

Design: Qualitative case study

Qualitative methods- Individual interviews

None specified

  1. IPP interprofessional practice, LBP low back pain, MD medical doctor, PT physiotherapist, AOM acupuncture and oriental medicine