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Table 3 Age, sex, and gender identity of study sample compared with the Canadian population

From: Diversity of the chiropractic profession in Canada: a cross-sectional survey of Canadian Chiropractic Association members


Response category


2016 Censusb

(n = 35,151,730)

Prevalence ratio [95% CI]c


Mean (SD); years

44.7 (12.7)

41.0 (–)d


Female; n (%)

1400 (45.0)

17,887,530 (50.9)

0.85 [0.79, 0.91]

Male; n (%)

1710 (55.0)

17,264,200 (49.1)

1.18 [1.10, 1.27]


Woman; n (%)

1401 (45.2)



Man; n (%)

1693 (54.6)


Gender Minority; n (%)e

6 (0.2)

  1. SD Standard Deviation
  2. aStudy sample sizes: Age: n = 3100; Sex: n = 3100; Gender (n = 3141)
  3. bBased on Statistics Canada 2016 Census of Population[22]
  4. cPrevalence ratio of our sample compared to the 2016 Canadian Census
  5. dNo comparable data available in 2016 Census of Population
  6. eGender minority categories collapsed due to small sample sizes: (1) trans-man; (2) trans-woman; (3) gender fluid or non-binary; (4) Indigenous or other cultural gender minority (e.g. Two-spirit); (5) identity not listed