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Table 2 Barriers and enablers (including belief statements and sample quotes) of fidelity to the proposed provider training for non-relevant domains

From: A qualitative study exploring perceived barriers and enablers to fidelity of training and delivery for an intervention to reduce non-indicated imaging for low back pain


Belief statement (Enabler/Barrier)

Sample quotes

Frequency (out of 10)


No relevant quotes coded to this domain


No relevant quotes coded to this domain

Social, professional role and identity

Quality improvement is an important part of my profession, as a family physician. (Enabler)

“This [training] is exactly what we want to be doing and this is quality improvement.” GP001


Beliefs about consequences

I think virtual training would be challenging to participate in and really engage in. (Barrier)

“I think the challenge is right now, certainly, with Zoom. I think the challenge is that people are Zoom’ed out, just like me. They just don’t want to be at it anymore. And I think that’s going to be a huge challenge if you choose to do it like that. Because half of communication is body language, nuances, facial features, you know. Communication on Zoom is very difficult and you lose a big chunk of it. And if you’re doing a group session, you’re reading body language, you’re reading little nuances in the way they look or giggle or whatever. And that’s feedback – you know, positive or negative, it’s still feedback. So that challenge I think is going to be there with Zoom.” DC005



No relevant quotes coded to this domain


An in-person training session is important to ensure clinicians are invested in the intervention. (Enabler)

“But I’m a sucker for having everybody on the same page, so to have a session and know that everybody’s there and everybody’s kind of paying attention and really invested in it. I always like that a little bit more.” DC003


Social influences

It would benefit me to participate in group training sessions with other colleagues. (Enabler)

“It is actually nice to be able to sit down with your colleagues and go over this kind of stuff and hear different situations that other people have been in, similar to what you are.” DC003


  1. The relevance of a domain was determined through the consideration of the frequency of the belief statements, the presence of conflicting beliefs, and the perceived strength of the impact a belief may have on enhancing fidelity to provider training
  2. GP: General Practitioner; DC: Doctor of Chiropractic