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Table 1 Frequency of responses to survey items (n = 175)

From: Identifying and addressing patient substance use: a survey of chiropractic clinicians

Survey Item

Strongly Agree

n (%)


n (%)


n (%)

Strongly Disagree

n (%)

I am confident that I can distinguish the differences between a patient who uses alcohol/prescription medication and a patient who misuses alcohol/prescription medication.

22 (12.5)

98 (56.0)

50 (28.5)

5 (2.8)

I am confident in my ability to identify patients who misuse alcohol.

29 (16.5)

92 (52.5)

51 (29.1)

3 (1.7)

I am confident in my ability to identify patients who misuse prescription medication.

14 (8.0)

84 (48.0)

73 (41.7)

4 (2.2)

I feel that it is important for chiropractors to routinely screen for patients who use drugs/alcohol/prescription medication, and to identify patients who misuse alcohol/prescription medication.

70 (40.0)

77 (44.0)

21 (12.0)

7 (4.0)

I have an established referral relationship with local clinical providers who treat patients who use drugs or misuse alcohol or prescription medications.

20 (11.4)

33 (18.8)

80 (45.7)

42 (24.0)

I am comfortable having conversations with my patients about drug/alcohol/prescription medication use and misuse.

46 (26.2)

79 (45.1)

43 (24.5)

7 (4.0)

Referral for treatment for a patient who uses drugs or misuses alcohol or prescription medications is not the responsibility of a chiropractor.

5 (2.8)

13 (7.4)

78 (44.5)

79 (45.1)

I had adequate training in chiropractic school about how to recognize and address patients who use drugs or misuse alcohol or prescription medications.

3 (1.7)

24 (13.7)

85 (48.5)

63 (36.0)

I am interested in learning more about communication skills that could enhance my discussions with patients about drug/alcohol/prescription medication use and misuse.

68 (38.8)

84 (48.0)

19 (10.8)

4 (2.2)

I would benefit from participating in a continuing education course on the topics of patients who use drugs or misuse alcohol or prescription medications.

78 (44.5)

79 (45.1)

16 (9.1)

2 (1.1)