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Table 2 Knowledge and use of Evidence-Based Care pertaining to maintenance care among Norwegian chiropractors (n = 312)

From: Evidence-based maintenance care among chiropractors in Norway: a cross-sectional survey in the Nordic maintenance care program


Frequency, n (%)

MC attitude

Use of instruments (such as West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory or STarT back) are useful tools in my profession for appropriately prescription on maintenance care

Strongly disagree

21 (7)


61 (20)


150 (48)


65 (21)

Strongly agree

15 (5)

MC skill

I have sufficient skills to identify the patients which responds well and poorly to maintenance care

Low skills

15 (5)

Low-medium skills

25 (8)

Medium skills

97 (31)

Medium–high skills

136 (44)

High skills

39 (13)

MC use

I have used published information to find the appropriate patient group for which maintenance care is recommended

0 times

172 (55)

1–5 times

87 (28)

6–10 times

23 (7)

11–15 times

12 (4)

16 + times

18 (6)

MC barriers

Access to useful resources (e.g., questionnaires, relevant articles) to subgroup patients to evaluate if maintenance care is appropriate is…

Not a barrier

61 (20)

A minor barrier

128 (41)

A moderate barrier

97 (31)

A major barrier

26 (8)

MC facilitators

Having knowledge of which patient groups responds positively or negatively to maintenance care is…

Not useful

13 (4)

Slightly useful

33 (11)

Moderately useful

92 (30)

Very useful

174 (56)

  1. Main responses in bold