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Table 1 Descriptive data of study participants

From: The association between cervical degenerative MRI findings and self-reported neck pain, disability and headache: a cross-sectional exploratory study


N Total


Age in years, median (IQR)


37 (31–41)

Female, n (%)


325 (54)

Neck pain intensitya, median (IQR)


2 (0–5)

Moderate or severe neck painb, n (%)


183 (31)

Neck Disability Index (NDI)c, median (IQR)


26 (14–37)

Moderate or severe neck disabilityd, n (%)


274 (59)

NDI headache item



0: No headaches at all, n (%)


80 (17)

1: Mild headaches that come infrequently, n (%)


100 (22)

2: Moderate headaches that come infrequently, n (%)


91 (20)

3: Moderate headaches that come frequently, n (%)


141 (30)

4: Severe headaches that come frequently, n (%)


33 (7)

5: Headaches almost all the time, n (%)


19 (4)

Headache dichotomisede, n (%)


193 (42)

  1. NDI Neck Disability Index, IQR Interquartile range
  2. aAveraged on 0–10 numerical rating scales for current neck pain, worst neck pain past 14 days, and typical neck pain past 14 days
  3. b> 4 on average neck pain intensity (0–10)
  4. cNDI calculated as a proportional score 0–100
  5. d> 20 on the NDI calculated as a proportional score 0–100
  6. e> 2 on the NDI headache question