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Table 4 Diagnostic imaging guidelines adherence by chiropractors in the vignettes: result of uni-variable logistic mixed model using groups by latent profile analysis based on the PABS.PT score

From: Is the use of diagnostic imaging and the self-reported clinical management of low back pain patients influenced by the attitudes and beliefs of chiropractors? A survey of chiropractors in the Netherlands and Belgium

Overall adherence:

Practice guideline adherence in the vignette (% (95% CI))

For all six vignettes

65.9 (61.5;70.1)

For the three vignettes describing patients with acute low back pain

68.2 (63.4;72.6)

For the three vignettes describing patients with chronic low back pain

62.3 (56.5;67.0)

Uni-variable generalized mixed model (based on all six vignettes)

Adherence on the vignette (% (95% CI))

OR (95% CI)

Latent profile classification:

High biomedical class

71.5 (57.8;82.0)

2.6 (1.2;5.7)

Mid biomedical class

69.1 (63.8;73.9)

2.3 (1.3;4.0)

Low biomedical class (reference category)

49.2 (36.8;61.7)