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Table 2 Presentation of the mean resting sEMG pre- and post-intervention in the trigger point group (n = 30) and the control group (n = 11).

From: The immediate effect of multiple mechanical impulses on electromyography and pressure pain threshold of lumbar latent trigger points: an experimental study

sEMG in μV

Trigger point group

Control group

Baseline mean intervention side (±SD)

3.27 (SD 3.64)

1.67 (SD 1.02)

Baseline mean contralateral side (±SD)

3.1 (SD 3.36)

1.77 (SD 1.07)

Post-intervention mean intervention side (±SD)

2,69 (SD 2.75)

1.40 (SD 1.13)

Post-intervention mean contralateral side (±SD)

2.77 (SD 2.95)

1.76 (SD 1.5)

Pre-post change significance intervention side

P = 0.001

P = 0.33

Pre-post change significance contralateral side

P = 0.022

P = 0.93

  1. Statistical significance was tested via the non-parametric Wilcoxon matched-pairs rank test. SD (Standard deviation)